JULY 11 - 19
Are you looking for an epic adventure this summer? One that will move your soul?
Well, You’ve found it.
Take a leap into the unknown
SOULMOVEMENT ADVENTURE is a 9 day backpacking journey into the wilderness & heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is a journey that will lead us deep into the mountains, alongside rivers, down into canyons, up peaks, through meadows, and to beautiful alpine lakes. We will get to see, explore, & experience one of the most iconic mountain ranges in the world.
This epic adventure is not only about getting out into nature and exploring our physical world. It is about connecting with one another & exploring our inner world. It is a journey into the wilderness of our own hearts, minds, and souls. Throughout this adventure we will get to relate with ourselves & others in new ways, look into our hearts without the distractions of our busyness, & have the space to ask ourselves deeper questions about our lives & what it means to be human here on Earth.
Ok, so getting to see beautiful landscapes is cool but WHY go deep into the wilderness to ask myself deeper questions?
Because there are some things that just can’t be answered by walking down a dirty littered city street, by sitting in a coffee shop, or by walking through your local mall. They can only be answered by feeling the inspiration of walking into the unmistakable beauty of an expansive meadow sitting in between two mountains, or by hearing the whispers of the wind while you stare off into the stunning vistas of mountain peaks, or by experiencing yourself connect with a rushing river that cuts through a canyon and over a waterfall crashing hundreds of feet below.
To really connect with our soul & to have it be moved in a profound way, we need to take a journey into the wilderness of Mother Earth & into the unexplored terrain of ourselves. This is the place where we should ask those deep questions if we truly want to hear the answers to them.
“Soul has been demoted to a new-age spiritual fantasy or a missionary’s booty, and nature has been treated, at best, as a postcard or a vacation backdrop or, more commonly, as a hardware store or refuse heap. Too many of us lack intimacy with the natural world and with our souls, and consequently we are doing untold damage to both.”
I think I get it..Tell me more…
“It’s not possible to save the world by trying to save it. You need to find what is genuinely yours to offer the world before you can make it a better place. Discovering your unique gift to bring to your community is your greatest opportunity and challenge. The offering of that gift — your true self — is the most you can do to love and serve the world. And it is all the world needs.”
SOULMOVEMENT ADVENTURE was inspired by & created in response to our current ego-centric ways of living, cultural disconnection from nature, & the alienation of one another due to the demands of living in today's society. Another way of saying this is... SOULMOVEMENT ADVENTURE was created in response to the ways we are being conditioned to think only of ourselves, the ways we are being pulled away from nature more & more, and to the ways we are suffering at the lack of genuine authentic heart centered connections with our fellow humans. So what to do about it?
There are many things we can do in response to this cultural crisis. We can take responsibility for ourselves, our families, our health, and how we walk upon the Earth. We can shop less, buy second hand, and commit to using no plastic. We can go to therapy, counseling, exercise, eat healthy, & meditate. We can go to community building events, create intentional groups, and participate in our local organizations. We can do so much!
Yet…there is one thing that is profoundly simple and most often missed… and that is… having meaningful experiences with natural world & deepening our relationship with the natural world.
Unfortunately, most people today get stuck in the ways of civilization. They get stuck in the rat race of the world. They get caught in the hustle & bustle of all the to-do’s and the social commitments. They get comfortable with all the luxuries of today’s modern world. And generally, most people have a hard time taking the time for themselves in today’s society. So how does one have these meaningful experiences with the natural world when there’s so much going on?
Sometimes this takes making an effort to create the space in our lives to get out into the wilderness & have these experiences. It takes effort to create the space so that we can cultivate an authentic relationship with our self, to express our self honestly, to listen to our hearts, & to deepen our relationship to the natural world.
Often times before we even start making the effort to get out into the natural world we get feelings within ourselves that guide us there…we start craving more solitude…we crave more intention in our lives…we get intuitive hits that we need to step away from things for awhile to get perspective…we feel strong desires for a feeling of wildness…and we start to feel what is commonly called…. a call to adventure.
When we get that call, answer it, & get out there…..the adventure begins. It’s a simple act of getting into the wilderness but so much can happen by saying yes to stepping into the unknown.
By stepping into the unknown & trusting that it is worth it to do so…insights, clues, realizations, clarity, perspective shifts and much more are available to us because we give them space to arise.
In this open space far from our normal daily lives…we might be able start the process of doing the work in putting the pieces of our fragmented selves back together again. We might experience what it feels like to feel whole. We might realize we crave a sense of meaning & belonging. We might be able to see ourselves more clearly. We might be able to see the world we live in with a different perspective & start to create the change within ourselves first. We might even get a glimpse of or uncover what our unique soul gift is for our lives. All of these experiences might inspire us to tend to our lives differently when we go back to our day to day lives.
This path back towards nature, our wholeness as individuals & within community requires courage, resiliency, support & love. And it requires that we do it while facing a society that is constantly bombarding us with messages of self interest, taking more than we need, & creating disconnected humans. So….
What if by simply connecting deeper into the natural world while with one another we found more meaning in our lives, created more wholeness, & satisfied our deepest cravings for a sense of belonging?
What if by simply having more meaning in our lives, feeling more whole, & feeling a sense of belonging, we were able to not only find, but to offer our unique soul gifts & true self to the world?
Its hard to fully see this & do something about it in the city. It’s time to get out in the wilderness!
“I didn’t realize how deeply moved I would be from joining this trip. I knew it would be an adventure and would get to see some cool things, but the depth of connection, intention, & beauty will stay in my heart forever”
— Martin
Many people today express that they are…
Craving more adventure in their lives…
Feeling overwhelmed by city life & the effects of being inside all day…
Desiring more meaningful & intentional experiences…
Stuck in their comfort zone…
Afraid of nature…
Wanting to get outside more in their lives…
Feeling a lack of genuine heart centered connection to others…
Feeling lost & seeking community…
Curious to know what their souls purpose is…
Working all the time with no spontaneity & excitement in their life…
Unsure of where to start when it comes to getting out into the wilderness…
This trip is for you if….
You are hearing a call to adventure…
You are wanting to connect with nature more & experience the Earth outside of the concrete jungle we live in…
You are needing nourishment for your soul & spirit…
You are feeling inspired to step outside of your daily comforts, ready to challenge yourself & meet your edges…
You are ready to remember your innate connection to nature & the elements…
You are looking to connect with others in an intimate & intentional way…
You are searching for a sense of belonging…
You are seeking to deepen your relationship with yourself…
You want to feel the freedom to follow your curiosity, senses, & intuitions…
You want to learn how to backpack…

What’s Included
Planned route & expert guidance
All meals & snacks for the 9 days ( including travel day to trailhead and return travel day)
Transportation to trailhead and back
Daily guided movement & meditation practices
Opening & closing circles
Nightly fireside council
Holistic lifestyle & wellness workshop
Pre-trip zoom call to connect, ask questions, set intentions, etc.
July 11th - 19th 2025
We will be heading into the Sierra National Forest & John Muir Wilderness, East of Fresno, CA.
Payment plans available
There are 11 limited spots for this trip!

“I learned my body was capable of much more than I thought was possible & there is something simple & profound about being in these wild remote places. It has helped me remember what really matters in my life & how resilient I am. -Justin
Sample Itenerary
Day 3:
7 am Rise & shine w/ hot drinks ( journal, mediate, read, etc.)
7:30 -8:15 Morning practice
8:15 - 9 Breakfast
9 - 10 Pack up camp and bags
10 am On trail & enjoying the views!
2pm Lunch on trail
5- 5:30 Land & set up camp ( set up tents, unload bear cans, set up kitchen)
5:30 - 7 Free time ( journal, meditate, read, explore, nap, etc.)
7 - 8 Dinner
8:30 - 10 Fire council
10 Sleepy time!
Sample Menu
Day 3:
Pre-breakfast - Hot drinks ( coffee or tea)
Breakfast - Oatmeal w/ dried fruit & almond butter
Lunch - Salami wrap ( salami, goat cheese, cucumber, Italian herbs, hummus)
Dinner - Thai curry w/ rice noodles
Post dinner - Calming sleep time tea
Trail snacks - Dried fruit & nuts, meat sticks, bars
Your guide
Mark Sanchez
Mark is Holistic Lifestyle Coach, backpacking guide, event producer, multi-disciplinary artist/musician, & dancer. He currently resides in the foothills of the Sierras. Mark has been a coach for the last 17 years and loves helping others connect to their bodies, their emotions, their heart, the earth, and much more. He has been working out, dancing, and backpacking for over 2 decades. When not on trail, Marks enjoys working in the garden, reading, working out, making music, dancing, cooking, building community, and sharing his love & inspiration for healthy living. Marks current passions include learning ancestral skills, Native ceremonies, Taoist meditations, & and flute.
“Before the trip, I was overwhelmed by city life and my corporate job. Plus I was nervous to join as I’d never been camping before. Mark made it so easy to say “YES” to the adventure of a lifetime. He helped me get out of my comfort zone while making the trip super accessible and fun. Mark is an amazing guide — whether on the trail or in the depths of the soul - he was helped me grow so much. Because of the trip, I connected deeply with nature and made amazing friends. I still think about lessons from the trip before making any big life decisions. Thank you Mark for changing my life!” - Mino
I joined the backpacking adventure with Mark because I wanted to get far away from the hustle and bustle of life and experience unspoiled nature without crowds of people. Three days and 20 miles after starting the hike, I found myself teleported to primordial times at an elevation of 11,000 feet, standing at the edge of an alpine lake, surrounded by massive walls of granite that were illuminated by the orange glow of sunset. Imposing peaks were in all directions, and there was even a glacier within eyesight! At one end of the lake, it gently drained into a crystal-clear river, which cascaded thousands of feet into the valley below. I had been wanting to explore the California backcountry for a long while. I even took classes at REI and bought a proper backpack, but life got busy, and I did not have the time and patience to organize a longer, more remote backcountry trek. When Mark’s trip came on my radar, I jumped at the opportunity. Mark is passionate about health and fitness, has a great sense of humor, is knowledgeable about the outdoors, and is considerate of participants' needs and capabilities. In addition to the stunning scenery, some highlights of the trip were the 5-star campsite locations, a 7-day internet fast (detox), feeling and observing my body work perfectly to carry me up and down the mountain, sitting nightly by the campfire, and watching Mark boogie at 11,000 feet! Now I feel confident about backpacking solo, however I’ll definitely join Mark for another outdoor adventure in the future, because it is so much more special when these experiences are shared. - Martin
Sign me up!
Sign me up!
Are you ready to join in on this once in a lifetime journey into the Sierras!?
Fill out this form and secure your spot!
No, you don’t need to be an experienced hiker or backpacker. Although, proper preparation in the months leading up to the trip will be very helpful in making sure you are ready for an adventure!
We will hike between 5-8 miles per day depending on how the group as a whole is moving & what is needed each day to reach each camp as we go. Total miles for the trip will be around 40 spread out over the the total time we will be out there.
This is a moderate & challenging route if you were to compare it to talking a few mile hike up your local mountain or walk around a park or lake. This trip is not ‘extreme’ in the sense of having to rock climb, rappel down mountain faces, or anything in that realm. We will be reaching elevations above 10,000 ft into stunning tundras & absolutely beautiful alpine lakes!
Given the nature of the wilderness, there are inherent risks of being out there, including: rocky terrain, water crossings, unexpected weather, etc. We will go over how to navigate safely in the wilderness in person more thoroughly to make sure you feel prepared & ready for any challenges that we come across!
We will have a satellite phone on us at all times, mountaineering first aid kit, & your guide is wilderness first responder certified. We will have all participants health information on hand and we will go over all pertinent information in person.
Once we are away from all facilities, we will be giving our offerings back to the earth ( Pee & poop) - We will go over & practice the no trace principles while out in the wilderness.
Practice hikes w/ a weighted backpack, weekly strength training, mobility/yoga, meditation ( cultivating a mindset & emotional resilience to handle challenges, stay present, & be responsive when things arise) + General healthy lifestyle choices such as getting adequate sleep, water, nourishing food, etc. leading up to the trip will make sure you are prepared mentally, physically, & emotionally for the trip! You will want to take preparation seriously as this can make all the difference in being able to enjoy the trip AND handle the inherent type of work needed to journey into these gorgeous & remote places!
No! We will get the opportunity to get our daily water from the beautiful mountain rivers, streams, and lakes! We will provide water purification tablets ( Aquatabs ) for the entire trip but if you have your own filtration set up, you are more than welcome to bring that. Other purification methods include: UV pens, purifying water bottles, small hand pumps, etc.
Not for this trip but a flexible payment plan is available. Check the box upon registration & we can set up a flexible payment plan to work with you.
To make things easy and move as a group, we will be departing from the Bay Area in California. Specific location TBD. We will be driving in a ford transit 12 passenger van & a gear van.
There is flexibility to drive to location & meet there but can make things more complicated/ variables to navigate. Message me with any questions or thoughts if needed.
A detailed list of what you’ll need to bring will be sent to you upon registration. There are ways to aquire the gear needed via borrowing from friends, renting from an outdoor store, or purchasing your own. I can assist you in this process if needed & provide resources.
Cash or check is preferred
I can also accept venmo, zelle, or credit card
If you need to cancel for any reason:
Cancel on or before May 12th 2025 for a full refund ( minus $500 deposit)
Non - refundable after June 11th 2025 - 30 days before departure date
Yes! I will be hosting a few zoom calls in between now & the trip. In those calls we can connect, go over gear questions, & address anything else.